With the SmartPoint integrated display, the Sensus iConA residential electricity meter is one of the most efficient and reliable Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)-ready electric meters available.
The meter integrates AMI communications and meter display on one board, making the meter much more reliable and efficient than Advanced Metering Reading (AMR) meters with expansion boards. An optional remote disconnect switch allows commands from the Regional Network Interface (RNI) software to disconnect and/or reconnect a service.
The FlexNet communications network offers a simple, reliable, and secure system that is economical for mass meter deployments, strategic deployments, and rural applications while providing a multi-application solution for all AMI end points.
- Integrated board for measurement display and communication
- Internal and display resolution of one watt-hour
- Power outage and restore notification
- Customer selectable voltage Alarm reporting
- kWh, kVARh and kVAh energy measurements
- Full net metering
- Demand reading options include block, sliding, peak, and cumulative demand
- Up to four channels of load profile
- Up to eight seasons of time-of-use in up to seven tiers of data
- Remote disconnect with enhanced Load Limiting functionality
- Over-The-Air (OTA) remote FlexNet radio and meter metrology firmware download functionality
- ZigBee with PKI authentication
- IP addressable through FlexNet
- Extensive meter event logging
- Accuracy exceeds ANSI C12.20 (Class 0.2)
Advanced Technology
- Superior accuracy
- Reliable, integrated construction
- Complete DC immunity
Features and Benefits
- User definable daily read intervals
- On demand meter readings and status reports
- Meter tamper detection
- Flexible two-way communication via FlexNet communications network
- Over-the-air (OTA) remote FlexNet radio and meter configuration capabilities
- FlexNet communications network supports multiple applications in addition to electric AMI, such as distribution automation, water and gas meters
- FlexNet communications network is FCC approved for operation on an unshared primary-use licensed spectrum