The AutoRead software package from Sensus is a comprehensive software program offering utilities flexibility for managing their meter reading processes. AutoRead is available for Microsoft® Windows NT®4.0 (Service pack 6A or later), Windows 2000® (Service pack 4 or later), and Windows XP Professional® (Service pack 1A or later).
AutoRead software is a leading meter management software program for utilities. All features are available on all AutoRead software platforms except where noted.
Complete AMR Software Integration
The modular design of AutoRead software lets the utility integrate SensusTouchRead® and RadioRead® meter reading systems into one specially designed software package. AutoRead flexibility enables the utility to operate a single meter reading system in conjunction with any of the other Sensus AMR systems. The utility can begin with one system and later migrate to another by simply adding modules to its existing AutoRead software program.The migration path provides the opportunity for increased operational efficiency and minimizes training needs while eliminating the need for costly software replacement.
AutoRead provides a number of useful functions for the utility. It increases operating efficiency, providesa variety of management reports, summaries, and reduces the time required for sending reading data to the billing software.The AutoRead flexible menu-driven system includes a wide selection of user specification options and configurations.These features make AutoRead software highly adaptable to meet each utility’s specific requirements.
Uploads New Route Information
AutoRead prepares route information for theselected Sensus meter reading system. For systems incorporating hand-held meter reading devices, newor inexperienced meter readers are guided through
an entire route by following information in the on- screen route program. Meter readers can be alerted to abnormally high or low readings and misreads, such as incorrect manual entry of reading data into the hand- held device, or to hazards along the route. AutoRead can be used to design utility field surveys that instruct meter readers to respond to route survey questions. When used with the Sensus RadioRead vehicle unit, AutoRead formats the routes so the Vehicle Transceiver Unit (VXU) can communicate efficiently with the radio equipped meters.
Downloads Meter Readings
AutoRead eliminates the step of manually transferring meter reading data into the computer.This is accomplished by electronically transferring the data recorded by any of the Sensus meter reading systems into the AutoRead program. AutoRead then processes the meter readings, preparing them for transfer to the computer’s billing files. AutoRead can be used with a utility’s existing computerized billing system, or as part of a new stand alone system.
Generates Managmenet Reports
AutoRead is a valuable management tool for increasing meter reader efficiency and expanding information processing capabilities.These features enable the utility to generate a variety of helpful management reports. AutoRead reports provide a documented overview of meter reading activities, manpower efficiency and service problems.
AutoRead receives the time of day from the PC during the transfer process and uses this information as its time clock. This allows AutoRead to produce both specific and statistical reports on time elapsed between reads, as well as the date and time of day each reading was made.This information allows more flexibility in comparing meter reading efficiency, establishing or reorganizing routes, and assigning meter readers to routes matched to their performance levels.
Additional management reports include master route, non read exceptions, and multiple read exceptions, questions, route notes, marked locations along the routes, and others. AutoRead also allows the utility to specify how each report should be categorized. Report information can be organized by account number, meter ID number, sequentially (in the order the meters were read) or other options.
AutoRead for Windows and AutoRead for Windows NT incorporate a report writer that permits utilities to customize management reports.This option provides more report flexibility when the utility’s route data is being organized.
AutoRead is completely adaptable to the particular features of any utility operation and can be interfaced with other PC-based automated billing and accounting systems or existing mainframe billing and accounting systems by passing ASCII II files back and forth.
Backing and Restoring Records
AutoRead enables the user to back up (store) meter readings downloaded each day from any of the meter reading systems.The backup procedure simply transfers the data stored on the hard disk of the PC to almost any backup computer media.